
    GypsyPlate’s 2nd Birthday

    Woohoo… We are 2 year old!! And it’s a Terrific Two’s!!

    Before going into details, let us thank our readers for being with us all this time. Only because of you, GypsyPlate has been growing leaps and bounds. We are humbled and amazed and so proud of how far we have come.

    Alpana, Jason and Noah at the beach.

    Some time in early May 2019 when Jason suggested a food blog, I kinda rolled my eyes invisibly. But somehow we gave it a go. From that time, it’s been patience and work churning up one recipe after another. The more content you have, the more readers come on your site, and it’s all a game of numbers to become a professional blogger and start earning money.

    Some of you might wonder how bloggers make a living? Well, since January 2021, you must have noticed the ads on our posts. Those make the bloggers money. To get to the higher paying ads, we needed to have 50,000 visitors a month to become Mediavine Publishers.

    Our first 50,000 visitor month was December 2020. We fondly called it the “MaD-Dash” to Mediavine.

    Mad dash to Mediavine.

    It was one of the most exciting, yet nerve wrecking, periods for GypsyPlate. But we did IT. It’s every blogger’s first step to making a living. It was great to finally turn into professional bloggers, from amatuers.

    Mediavine acceptance letter.

    Well, that’s the major update for all of you from GypsyPlate this year. Some of you might not like so many ads, but that’s how bloggers get to create free content for readers and get paid for their job. We are so grateful for all of you who keep coming back, and exploring all kinds of different cuisines with us.

    What’s in for the future?

    We will be introducing our “travel” section very soon. Though we live in one of the most beautiful places by the ocean in Florida, travel was always one of the biggest visions for creating GypsyPlate. Being a food blogger, you can work from anywhere in the world. So we will be taking GypsyPlate slowly on the road from this year onwards. Of course, with Covid still around, we will take our baby steps slowly and cautiously.

    Alpana's office.

    So besides learning about some fabulous recipes, that of course we will keep on cooking for you, you will discover a few amazing places in this world, with tips and suggestions on travel and local food in those places.

    It’s been quite a journey for this team of 3… Alpana, Jason and Noah!! It’s a lot of work, but we are enjoying every aspect of it. Be it searching for new foods for you, to cooking and take pictures for you, and then finally telling you how to make it happen in your kitchen.

    We love all the comments, shares and love we get from so many of you on a daily basis. Keep on showing that love to GypsyPlate, and help her grow a tiny bit more every single day. As for today, raise a glass for us and share the cheer. Happy 2nd Birthday GypsyPlate…


    Join the GypsyPlate mailing list and get easy dinner recipes right in your mailbox. From homestyle comfort food to exotic dishes from around the world.

      3 thoughts on “GypsyPlate’s 2nd Birthday”

      • I am again, as always, blown away by your website. It is unparalleled in the breadth and depth of recipes.
        I made Chana Masala a while back and while looking for it again, ran across your list of curries.
        You are a constant source and inspiration. Happy Birthday and MANY happy returns.

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